Community Dentists of Worcester Blog

The Essential Role of Calcium in Dental Health

July 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:03 pm
a child smiling and drinking milk

When we think about maintaining excellent dental health, our minds often go straight to routine brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. While these practices are undeniably crucial, another key aspect of oral wellness that’s often overlooked is calcium intake. This essential mineral is not only vital for strong bones, but also plays a critical role in keeping your teeth healthy and strong. Here’s a closer look at the link between calcium and dental health, along with some of the best natural sources of calcium to add to your diet!


3 Popular Summertime Activities That Might Harm Your Smile

June 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:24 pm
a parent and child in a park during the summer

Summertime is finally in full swing, and there might be all sorts of fun activities that you want to get into! But as you’re out and about and enjoying the warmer weather and extra downtime, you’ll want to keep in mind that certain activities, while fun, sometimes pose a threat to your pearly whites. And one of the last things you should want to happen during summer is to suffer a dental injury! Continue reading below to learn more about a few of the summertime activities that your emergency dentist wants you to be mindful of.  


Will I Need to Wait to Receive Dentures After Having My Teeth Removed?

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:21 pm
person with a full denture

Not only are you preparing to undergo tooth extraction, but you’re also awaiting your new dentures. Being without your teeth is understandably something you want to avoid, but how much time must pass before you can feel confident again with the help of customized tooth replacement? Keep reading to discover the different options that are available after having one or more teeth extracted.


Everything You Need to Know About Oral Cancer

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:23 pm
an oral cancer awareness month ribbon and banner

Oral cancer is a menace; and though this disease often flies under the radar, it has the potential to cause serious lasting damage to your smile—or worse. But by understanding the risk factors, symptoms, and importance of routine screening and preventive care, we can empower ourselves to combat this disease effectively. In recognition of Oral Cancer Awareness Month this April, here’s some useful information about oral cancer, as well as some ways you can actively lower your risk and enjoy a lifetime of happy, healthy smiling!


3 Characteristics of an Ideal Dental Implant Candidate

March 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:50 pm
a closeup of a model of dental implants

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there’s perhaps no option as fantastic as dental implants. They’re capable of assisting patients with varying degrees of tooth loss, and can restore teeth in terms of look, feel, and functionality for up to several decades. That said, not everyone with missing teeth is immediately eligible for dental implants, and certain characteristics stand out as ideal for potential candidates. Here’s a closer look at the three things that you’ll want to have if you’re interested in getting dental implants to restore your smile.


Can My Genes Influence the Color of My Teeth?

February 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:09 pm
a before and after comparison of a whitened smile

If you’re unhappy with your smile due to the color of your teeth, you aren’t alone—the demand for cosmetic dentistry has roughly doubled in the last few years as patients all over seek services like teeth whitening to brighten their smiles and livelihoods. That said, your teeth might’ve always seemed a little duller than you’d like, even despite your daily oral hygiene efforts. Did you know this might have something to do with your genes? Here’s more about this curious link.


How Dental Implants Can Make You Look Remarkably Younger

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:05 pm
a patient with dental implants smiling

When it comes to replacing lost teeth, dental implants are considered the gold standard for several reasons. They’re remarkably durable and capable of lasting for several decades, they’re custom-made to look exactly like natural teeth, and of course, they restore oral functionality to an impressive degree, which allows patients to enjoy all sorts of foods once more. That said, perhaps one of the coolest benefits of dental implants is the fact that they tend to make patients look younger and fresher in the face! Here’s a little more about dental implants and how they’re capable of turning back the clock in order to give patients a rejuvenated, youthful new look.


Should I Expect Pain During a Teeth Cleaning?

December 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:37 pm
a woman having her teeth cleaned

If you’d rather be in any other place in the world than your dentist’s office, you aren’t alone—however, this fear can prove quite detrimental to your oral health if it causes you to skip out on your routine preventive dental care. These visits are instrumental in keeping your mouth in tip-top shape and your teeth sparkling clean; however, many patients wonder if there’s any pain involved in these checkups. Continue reading below to learn more about teeth cleanings and why you don’t need to worry about pain during these visits, along with some tips for ensuring a smooth experience!


5 Foods That Are Certain to Cause a Dental Dilemma

November 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:21 pm
a closeup of a bowl of popcorn

It’s happened to all of us at one point in our lives—that annoying sensation of food stuck between our teeth, causing discomfort and sometimes embarrassment. While it’s a common occurrence for some, there are certain foods that are notorious for getting wedged in those hard-to-reach spaces within our mouths. Continue reading below to learn more about a few foods that your dentist thinks are problematic for one’s smile due to their tendency to become stuck between teeth!


It’s Dental Hygiene Awareness Month! Here Are 5 Oral Care Habits You Can Implement Today

October 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:19 pm
Happy couple smiling while brushing their teeth at home

October isn’t just the month of Halloween, it’s also a month filled with national and global holidays, including World Vegetarian Day and National Taco Day. Turns out, it’s also Dental Hygiene Awareness Month! So, if your brushing and flossing routine took a backseat this summer, don’t worry – there’s no time like the present to implement the below oral care habits to get back on track.

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